The Appraisal Institute announced Oct. 31 that its elected officers and others represented the organization at key events in October.
President James L. Murrett, MAI, SRA, attended Valuation Expo, Sept. 30-Oct.3, in Las Vegas, where he presented “What’s New at the Appraisal Institute.” AI also exhibited at this event.
Vice President Jefferson L. Sherman, MAI, AI-GRS, spoke at the Iowa Commercial Real Estate Expo, Oct. 2, in Des Moines on “Issues Affecting the Appraisal Community.”
President-Elect Stephen S. Wagner, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, represented AI at the American Society of Appraisers’ International Appraisers Conference, Oct. 7-10, in Anaheim, California.
Murrett and CEO Jim Amorin, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, represented AI at Expo Real, Oct. 8-10, in Munich.
Sherman presented at the joint FECOVAL/UPAV/Pan Pacific/IRWA meeting, Oct. 8-13, in Tijuana, Mexico, where he spoke on the “State of the Appraisal Profession” and “AI Body of Knowledge.”
Murrett presented at The European Group of Valuers Associations (commonly known as TEGoVA) Fall Meeting, Oct. 18-20, in Athens, Greece, about “Prospective Values.”
2016 AI President Scott Robison, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, AI-RRS, spoke on the behalf of the organization at Remnin University in Beijing on “Appraisal Review in the U.S.” and at the China Institute of Real Estate Appraisers and Agents Annual Meeting, Oct. 25-26, in Beijing, on “Impact and Opportunity of Technology-Based Valuations on the Valuation Profession.”
AI also exhibited at the Land Trust Alliance Rally, Oct. 11-13, in Pittsburgh, and at the Mortgage Bankers Association Annual Meeting, Oct. 14-17, in Washington.