The Appraisal Institute, the nation’s largest professional association of real estate appraisers, today announced it has hired Jim Amorin, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, of Austin, Texas, as its chief executive officer after a nearly year-long search.
“Jim did an outstanding job as acting CEO, and we’re fortunate to have his leadership going forward,” Appraisal Institute President James L. Murrett, MAI, SRA said. “His experience in many Appraisal Institute leadership roles makes him highly qualified for this position, and I look forward to continuing to work with him.”
Amorin was the 2009 and 2017 Appraisal Institute president, and has served twice each as the organization’s president-elect, vice president and immediate past president. He also has chaired or served on the Appraisal Institute’s Executive Committee, National Nominating Committee, Finance Committee, Audit Committee, Strategic Planning Committee, General Appraiser Council Admissions Committee, Qualifying Education Committee and the AI Relief Foundation Board of Directors, in addition to region and chapter roles.
“It’s my honor and privilege to help lead this incredible organization,” said Amorin, who had served as acting CEO since August 2017. “I look forward to working with the Board of Directors, other volunteer leaders and staff as the Appraisal Institute addresses head-on the challenges and opportunities facing the real estate valuation profession.”
The Appraisal Institute worked with Kansas City-based Tryon & Heideman, LLC, a third-party executive search firm, to consider more than 140 applications. The consultants were assisted by an internal CEO Search Project Team. The meticulous and thorough vetting process included extensive research and a variety of comprehensive interviews.
Amorin received the Appraisal Institute President’s Award in 2012 for work related to the Capstone program as well as work on several project teams. In 2013, he was awarded the Appraisal Institute Education Trust’s Y.T and Louise Lee Lum Award.
He is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin with degrees in finance and real estate & urban land development. Before becoming the Appraisal Institute’s acting CEO, he was vice president of Atrium Real Estate Services in Austin.