2 Candidates Seeking to Become 2020 Appraisal Institute Vice President
The Appraisal Institute’s National Nominating Committee is scheduled to interview two candidates for 2020 AI vice president in Chicago May 8, and the committee is expected to nominate one or more individuals for 2020 vice president at the Board of Directors’ May 9-10 meeting.
The candidates are, in alphabetical order, Pledger M. Bishop III, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS and Eric Schwartz, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS.
AI professionals may view the candidate biographies and questionnaires (login required) and provide input by 5 p.m. CDT May 6. Correspondence should be addressed to Jim Murrett, MAI, SRA, chair, 2019 National Nominating Committee, and emailed to Joan Barngrover, board secretary and special assistant to the CEO, at [email protected].