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In Memoriam: Jim McNairy, MAI, SRA

It is with great sadness that we report the passing of James (Jim) D. McNairy III, MAI, SRA of Greensboro, NC. Jim was a long standing and active member of the Appraisal institute, holding various leadership positions at the chapter and national levels. He was awarded the AI Volunteer of Distinction award for Region V in 2013. Jim served on the NC Chapter’s Executive Committee from 1996-2000 and was NC Chapter President in 2000. In addition, he served on a variety of national and chapter committees including AI’s Experience Screening Panel and the Piedmont Chapter’s Board of Directors in the early 1990’s. Jim and his wife, Jeanne McNairy, MAI, SRA, founded McNairy & Associates in 1978 to provide professional commercial and residential appraisal and consulting services in North Carolina.  

Arrangements are being handled by the Forbis and Dick Funeral Home. Our deepest sympathies go out to Jim’s family.

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Q4 Chapter Business Meeting Recap

This past Thursday, members and guests virtually attended the 2020 Q4 Chapter Business Meeting and Installation Ceremony. We celebrated our newly designated members (Chesney S. Baker, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS; Brian T. Bryant, MAI, AI-GRS; Nirzarni A. Coston, MAI; and William S. Overton, MAI), heard committee updates on how we ended the year, Chris Johnson, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, ASA gave his final address as the 2020 President, and the 2021 officers were installed, including 2021 President, Mike Moody, MAI.


Welcome New NCAI Members

We’d like to welcome to our newest members who joined in Q4.

  • Charles Andrew Alvarez, Jr.
  • Zackery Todd Barbee
  • Mark R Boone
  • Michael Oktavec
  • William S. Overton, MAI
  • Philip Graham Pruette

Engage with the Chapter in 2021

Check out our committee webpage for more information about what committees are available and the interest form. In particular, the Chapter is seeking a volunteer to be the 2021 PAC Treasurer. Another way to get involved to is participate in our Sponsorship Program to gain year-round visibility while championing the industry in North Carolina.

Welcome New NCAI Members

We’d like to welcome to our newest members who joined in Q3.

  • Adam C. Watson
  • M. Oniel Jessup, III
  • Daniel S Ponce
  • Eric L. Randall
  • Heather L. Sutton
  • Nirzarni A. Coston, MAI
  • Jacob Quinton Palmer

Appraisal Institute Scholarship Deadlines on Thursday (10/1)

The Appraisal Institute Education and Relief Foundation offers scholarships for AI professionals pursuing designations and state certification. Specific offerings are available for minorities and women. Candidates for Designation and Practicing Affiliates should apply by the October 1 deadline.

The NCAI Scholarship Committee is available to answer any of your questions and guide you through the application process. Contact Scholarship Committee Chair Kelli Mayhew.

Apply Today

Appraisal Institute Opens Registration for 2021 VP Presentations and Board Meeting

The Appraisal Institute Board of Directors will hold an election for the 2021 vice president during the morning session of its third quarter meeting Aug. 6 and host a general open session in the afternoon. Registration is open for both meetings. 
The meeting will begin at 9 a.m. CDT, and the vice president nominees will make their presentations to the Board at the start. Once the presentations have concluded, the Board will go into Executive Session. AI professionals who have registered to attend this meeting will be able to rejoin it at approximately noon CDT for the election of the vice president.
AI professionals must register for all meetings they wish to attend. If you wish to attend the vice president presentations and election beginning at 9 a.m. CDT and the general open session beginning at approximately 1 p.m. CDT, you will need to register for both. Please note that space is limited.
You will receive a confirmation email with your own unique link to join a session once you have registered.

Recap: NCAI Connect - Update from AI Leadership

Last week, NCAI was joined by Appraisal Institute President Jefferson L. Sherman, MAI, AI-GRS, and Chief Executive Officer Jim Amorin, CAE, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS who spoke with members about the coronavirus pandemic’s impact on the Appraisal Institute, individual appraisers, and the valuation profession, how AI is facing these issues, and projected what the future of the industry looks like. Click here or on the image below to view the recording.

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NCAI Member Cal Morgan Appointed to NCAB

The North Carolina Chapter of the Appraisal Institute (NCAI) has been informed that Jack C. (Cal) Morgan III, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, has been appointed to the North Carolina Appraisal Board (NCAB) by Tim Moore, NC House Speaker. We congratulate Cal on his appointment, and we thank him for his willingness to be a leader in the appraisal industry. We wish you well in this endeavor, and we know you will continue to promote the highest standards for real estate appraisal practice in the protection of the public trust. 

Cal is a graduate of the College of Charleston, in Charleston, SC. He has over 20 years of experience in real estate appraisal, construction, and investment analysis. He is the owner of JC Morgan Company in Wilmington, NC, which provides appraisal services as well as consulting and litigation support services. Cal is also a NC licensed general contractor and NC real estate broker. He served on the NC Property Tax Commission from 2013 to 2017 and currently serves as the Chairman of the Wilmington Zoning Board of Adjustment. Cal lives in Wilmington with his wife Seanna and their three children.

Congratulations Cal!

2021 Slate of Officers Elected

The below slate was presented by the North Carolina Chapter’s 2020 Nominating Committee comprised of: Sheri Colvin, MAI (Chair); Joel Tate, SRA; Don Read, MAI; Chesney Baker, MAI, AI-GRS; and David Pope, MAI, SRA.

It was approved as per regulation at the 2nd Quarter 2020 Chapter Business Meeting held on June 11, 2020. 

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Don't Miss the Q2 Chapter Business Meeting on Thursday!

Join us Thursday to elect the 2021 Slate of Nominees for Officers, Directors, Regional Representative, & Alternate Regional Representatives, hear updates about what the Chapter has been doing, and congratulate our newly designated members!

Please make sure to register prior to joining the meeting in order to receive the 2 AI credits.

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AI Board of Directors Approves Both 45-Day Notice Items on Agenda During Meeting

The Appraisal Institute Board of Directors adopted both 45-Day Notice items on its agenda during its May 7 meeting, which was conducted via videoconference due to the coronavirus pandemic.
The Board of Directors adopted a 45-Day Notice item regarding proposed amendments to Appraisal Institute Regulation No. 5 regarding use of Appraisal Institute designations by non-practicing Designated Members. The Board also adopted the other 45-Day Notice item on its agenda, addressing proposed amendments to the Appraisal Institute Code of Professional Ethics and relevant governing documents relating to the deletion of “Service” as a defined term, the addition of the term "Valuation Practice” and the resultant conforming changes to other terms.
The 45-Day Notice including both items was distributed to Appraisal Institute professionals March 23.
The Board also approved two items for inclusion in an upcoming 45-Day Notice. The first item addressed proposed amendments to Regulation No. 4 regarding streamlining requirements for readmission to designated membership. The second item addressed proposed amendments to Regulation Nos. 1, 2 and 3 regarding the college degree requirement for the Appraisal Institute’s MAI, SRA, AI-GRS and AI-RRS designations. 
AI professionals are currently scheduled to receive the 45-Day Notice in mid-June. 
In other actions, the AI Board of Directors:
  • Approved appointments to the recently created University Relations Committee;
  • Approved an appointment to fill a vacancy on the Women’s Initiative Committee; and
  • Approved the transfer of funds from AI’s reserve fund to its operating fund.
The Appraisal Institute Board of Directors is next scheduled to meet Aug. 5-6.

National Nominating Committee Nominates Craig Steinley as 2021 AI Vice President

Craig Steinley, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, AI-RRS, of Rapid City, South Dakota, was nominated for 2021 Appraisal Institute vice president by the AI National Nominating Committee at its May 6 meeting, which was held via videoconference due to the coronavirus pandemic.

National Nominating Committee Chair Stephen S. Wagner, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, submitted the committee’s nomination to the AI Board of Directors at its May 7 meeting. Board members may file petitions for additional nominees in accordance with the Appraisal Institute Bylaws. The AI Board of Directors is expected to elect the 2021 vice president at its Aug. 5-6 meeting.

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NEW VIDEO: Appraisal Institute Designated Members Discuss Mentoring Trainees

The Appraisal Institute is devoted to helping appraisers reach their highest potential and making sure they have all the knowledge needed to work in the valuation profession, according to the latest video from the organization. In the video, Tonia Vailas, MAI, AI-GRS, and Michael V. Tankersley, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, AI-RRS, share their experiences working with trainees.

These appraisers discuss what steps they are taking to make sure their trainees succeed in the profession and the best ways that trainees can find licensed appraisers to work alongside.

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TODAY: AI ANSWERS - Join the Appraisal Institute's weekly Facebook Live session

Be sure to attend this week's AI Answers, a one-hour Facebook Live session on current affairs affecting appraisers. Adam Johnston, SRA, AI-RRS, of Genworth Mortgage Insurance, will discuss strengths and weaknesses of residential appraisal virtual inspection applications, and Justin Glasser, MAI, of Cushman & Wakefield Valuation and Advisory, will address impairment accounting considerations. 

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NEW DATE & FORMAT: Q1 Chapter Business Meeting now on March 25

Join us for our Q1 Chapter Business Meeting (CBM) via Zoom Meeting on Wednesday, March 25 at 2pm!

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New video: AI Designations Enhance Valuation Careers

In AI’s latest video, three Designated Members share how receiving an AI designation has enhanced their career.

Leslie P. Sellers, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, discusses how a designation can provide knowledge, resources and networking opportunities to help valuation professionals remain successful.

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Call to Service for NCAI's 2021 Leadership Team

Are you interested in serving the NC Chapter (NCAI) as part of the leadership team for 2021?

The North Carolina Chapter Appraisal Institute's Nominating Committee will meet soon to nominate qualified chapter members for 2021 elected positions. Committee experience is a plus but not necessary.

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New AI video: Appraisal Institute Plans for 2020

2020 Appraisal Institute President Jefferson L. Sherman, MAI, AI-GRS, outlines the organization’s priorities for the year in AI’s latest video.

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Follow Our NEW LinkedIn Page!

NCAI has a new LinkedIn page! Be sure to follow us here to stay up-to-date with local, industry, and member news!

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