Craig Steinley Elected 2021 Appraisal Institute Vice President
Craig Steinley, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, AI-RRS, of Rapid City, South Dakota, was elected 2021 vice president of the nation’s largest professional association of real estate appraisers Thursday by its Board of Directors during the Board’s virtual meeting.
Steinley’s one-year term at the Appraisal Institute will begin Jan. 1, followed by one year each as president-elect, president and immediate past president. He will serve on AI’s Executive Committee and the policy-making Board of Directors all four years. He also will chair the Finance Committee in 2021 and the National Nominating Committee in 2024.
“I feel privileged to have been elected vice president of the Appraisal Institute, and I’m excited to help guide the organization through these unusual times,” Steinley said. “I look forward to working hard for valuation professionals in the United States and around the world.”